Sea Glass And Beach Combing Etiquette
Don't Be Rude, Give A Girl Some Space!
Good morning fellow beach combers.
I never thought that I would consider writing an article on this topic but
here I am. lol
here I am. lol

They made sure to box me in and continued to dig as close to me as they could get. They were sure to dig in every pile of rocks within five feet of me for the next 20 minutes. Yes, I totally understand that it is a public beach and I have no rights over it. lol This shoreline I am talking about, is a 5km stretch so there's no reason why they needed to be up right my nose.
I decided that I would start to make my way up the beach a bit and give us some space between us. Her husband was right on my heels. I lingered in a small pile for a minute and he stopped at the pile of rocks next to me. By this point I was starting to get annoyed and feeling quite crowded. Instead of flipping my lid I decided to double back the way I came. Within minutes the wife was on my heels again. I tried to pop over to different piles of rocks and every time I turned around she was there. Finally after 40 minutes of this nonsense, I packed it in.

So here I am sitting on my couch with my coffee, sorting through some of my past treasures instead!!
When you take your next beach combing stroll, please remember people need their space. Some people need the beach to decompress from a stressful week. What happens if you disrupt a decompression??? You run the risk of an explosion. lol
Not to mention digging withing 3 feet of a stranger while there is 5km of seashore to roam is RUDE. Respect other people space!! Head and personal!!